Time and Date



Hello everyone,

I'm having a bit of problems figuring out a Form issue. (logbook
I have a table that stores a [date] (of flight), [Time of departure] and
[Time of Arrival]

Both time fields store a complete date&time.

If they look at a old flight, I want this date stripped of, but if they
enter a new flight, I only want the need to put in the time (and have the
[date] column added).

The problem is that in those cases, on one it has to be calculated, and on
the other it shouldn't because that would prevent input....


Van T. Dinh

If you store the full date/time in [Time of departure] and [Time of
Arrival], I am not sure why you need the [date] (of flight).

It does sounds like you are storing redundant data ...

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