Time & Billing Database Template



I just downloaded the T&B DB Template. I find that I can only enter one
billing rate per employee and I need to be able to have multiple billing
rates. For example, the billing rate for one client may be different from
the next client and there may be different billing rates for travel time.

I would appreciate it if someone knows how to accomplish this.

Thanks, SJD


I am in the process of doing that. Im going to change it, so that payments
are in a seperate table. It will also not be called ours but units. you can
choose hourly, weekly, or monthy or for example a rate for amount of pc's
built, or helpdesk calls answered or what ever the case may be. Im still
looking to see if it has not been done yet, but by tomorrow i need to hand in
the db for testing before production. Will post a note once im completed with

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