Time calculations


Eric Parker

I have an Excel spreadsheet with mile split times for cross country runners
in one column (e.g. 5:08, meaning 5 minutes, 8 seconds) and 2 mile split
times in the next column (e.g. 10:15). The third column is the difference
between the mile and 2 mile times which is the time the runner ran for the
second mile. How can I have Excel do this calculation, and what format do I
need to put it in considering I do not need hours, days, dates, years, AM,
PM, etc.? I also would like to have a fourth column which displays the
difference (in seconds) between the third column and the first column, which
can be either a positive or a negative number to show how much the runner
sped up or slowed down.


Although you may have entered 5:08 (meaning 5 minutes and 8 seconds),
Excel will probably have taken this to mean 5 hours and 8 minutes. You
will need to enter it as 0:5:08 or as 5:08.0 for Excel to interpret it
correctly. Format the cell as h:mm:ss to see what Excel has done.

To convert to your proper time, you will need to divide each time by
60 - an easy way is to put 60 in a blank cell somewhere and click
<copy> on that cell. Then highlight all the cells with those times in
and Edit | Paste Special | Values (check) | Divide (check) | OK and
<Esc>. Then you can delete the original cell.

You will need to format the cells as [m]:ss.

Hope this helps.



Sorry, I forgot to answer the question. If you have times in columns A
and B, assuming a header, then in C2 you can have this for the second-
mile time:


Format the cell as [m]:ss

In D2 you can use this formula:


and format this cell as General or Number with 0 dp.

Copy the formula down as necessary.

Hope this helps.


Although you may have entered 5:08 (meaning 5 minutes and 8 seconds),
Excel will probably have taken this to mean 5 hours and 8 minutes. You
will need to enter it as 0:5:08 or as 5:08.0 for Excel to interpret it
correctly. Format the cell as h:mm:ss to see what Excel has done.

To convert to your proper time, you will need to divide each time by
60 - an easy way is to put 60 in a blank cell somewhere and click
<copy> on that cell. Then highlight all the cells with those times in
and Edit | Paste Special | Values (check) | Divide (check) | OK and
<Esc>. Then you can delete the original cell.

You will need to format the cells as [m]:ss.

Hope this helps.


I have an Excel spreadsheet with mile split times for cross country runners
in one column (e.g. 5:08, meaning 5 minutes, 8 seconds) and 2 mile split
times in the next column (e.g. 10:15).  The third column is the difference
between the mile and 2 mile times which is the time the runner ran for the
second mile.  How can I have Excel do this calculation, and what format do I
need to put it in considering I do not need hours, days, dates, years, AM,
PM, etc.?  I also would like to have a fourth column which displays the
difference (in seconds) between the third column and the first column, which
can be either a positive or a negative number to show how much the runner
sped up or slowed down.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -


just too add a tad to what pete said.
excel keeps track of datese as a number based on the 1900/1904 date keeping
system and time as a decimal value of 1 day. so 5 minutes 8 seconds would be
0.003553241 of 1 day and would display in the formula bar as 12:05:08 AM or
5 minutes 8 seconds past midnight.
see this site for more details......

to do the math. since excel views time as numbers you can just subtract one
time from another. with 5:08 in A2 and 10:15 in B2....
in c2 enter.....=B2-A2
which would yield 5:07
as to your last question, the 1900 date system will not display negative
instead you get ####### any time the results are negative. you can use a
formula to prevent this..
this would prevent the number from displaying negative but with the date
formated as mm:ss and desplayed as 12:05:08 AM in the formula bar, the
results would be unexpected since the results may put the time back past
59:59 and displayed in the formula bar as 11:59:59 PM
yeah i know. wierd.
the 1904 date system will display negative numbers but switching would add 4
years and 1 day to all the other dates you may have in your other files. and
you might be out of sinc with other pc's. see the above site for more details.


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