Time Calculations



I have a file coming to me that shows the number of seconds a person has been
on the phone for 1 week. If I divide that number by 60, the number to the
left of the decimal should be good for minutes but the number to the right is
the decimal of the number of minutes. Example ; Agent A talked 55567
seconds during 1 week. If I divide that number by 60, I get 926.11666
minutes. Since the agent booked 100 vacations during that time, I want to
divide 926.11666 by 100 giving the avg talk time. But because that the
remainder (.11666) is not in minutes but in tens of a minute, my talk time is
off. The system that feeds me the file says the talk time is 9 16 meaning 9
minutes and 16 seconds. What do I need to do to get the same result as the
feeding system?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Clifford Bass

Hi Bunky,

Multiply the remainder (.11666) by 60 and then round to a whole number
to get the 16 seconds.

Clifford Bass

Jeff Boyce

Don't divide by 60 first. Save your formatting work until after you've done
the math.

How many average seconds per vacation (55567/100). Apply the "divide by 60"
to THAT answer -- you get the number of times 60 divides into your number
(i.e., minutes).

Then use the MOD() function to get the remainder -- how many seconds are
left over after the minutes fall out?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Multiple the minutes by 1/(60*24).
Multiple the seconds by 1/(60*60*24)

Add them together to get the number of days the
person has been on the phone for one week.

Save this number in a DateTime field, format at it as time, it will show the
correct elapsed time.

An alternative way to do the same thing, use the

my_elapsed_time = TimeSerial(myhours,myminutes, myseconds)

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