Time Calculations



Is there a way to enter a start time and an end time and have OneNote
calculate the total time spent between those two times? I'd like to use
OneNote to track the time I spend on phone calls and working on clients
projects. I currently do this in Excel but wanted to use OneNote since I'm
storing a lot of other stuff in there. I'm also using OneNote 2007.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Nothing automatic in OneNote. You could use the automatic timestamps
applied inside each paragraph (right-click on a paragraph to see the last
modification date/time) to determine the start/stop time of whatever you
add to ON. You can also add timestamps using Alt-Shift-F, -D or -T but
that's a manual step which you might not remember to do on each phone call.

There's nothing built into the project to calculate the time spent, but the
metadata is there to facilitate manual calculation.

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