time card formula problem



i need to enter a time in (6:30am or 6.5) and a time out
(4:00pm or 4.0) from our time clock. How do i create a
formula to add the hours worked?? in this case it should
equal 9.5 hours. I would prefer to enter the time in and
time out as 6.5 and 4.0.
Can someone please help

Beth Unglesbee

Hi Dottie,

I'm sure it's possible, but one thing to consider is that
Excel will have a challenging time trying to figure out
that 4.0 meant 4:00pm. So upon entry, the 6.5 (meant to
be am time) would be a "larger" value than the 4.0 (meant
to be pm time). It seems you would have to enter an
additional piece of information to distinguish.

On the other hand, did you know you could enter "4 p" (as
in 4 space p) and Excel knows you mean 4:00 pm? For 6:30
am, you do have to enter the 6:30 a.

Now once the time is entered, here's a formula to find the
elapsed time: =(D7-B7)*24 where D7 is the ending time
and B7 is the beginning time.

Microsoft MVP - Excel

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