T Bennett
I have created a database for project information. However, I need some way
for our engineers to enter their time in which will get tracked into each
projects form. Does anyone know of a site that I can get some examples of
time cards or project management databases. I am rather green at Access,
but trying to learn. I can get around in VBA ok.
Basically, I have a form that contains project information, sorted by
project number. This form has a field that tracks the actual hours worked
on that particular project (hopefully). That's parts a not the trick. What
I don't have is a decent way to track time. Mind you, an engineer might
work on three different projects in a day.
Todd Bennett
Celerity Group, Inc
for our engineers to enter their time in which will get tracked into each
projects form. Does anyone know of a site that I can get some examples of
time cards or project management databases. I am rather green at Access,
but trying to learn. I can get around in VBA ok.
Basically, I have a form that contains project information, sorted by
project number. This form has a field that tracks the actual hours worked
on that particular project (hopefully). That's parts a not the trick. What
I don't have is a decent way to track time. Mind you, an engineer might
work on three different projects in a day.
Todd Bennett
Celerity Group, Inc