Time / Date on X axis



I'm trying to plot a series (i.e. groundwater elevation)
on the Y axis against the time and date on the X axis.
The time and date are in separate columns. I can't get
the X axis labels to appear correctly. The entire X axis
label appears as a black box. The data series plots
correctly. I can not seem to adjust the data label
interval as with a single X data series plot.

Jon Peltier

Doug -

Is your X axis time + date, or time on a given date; I mean, does it go
from midnight to midnight and you have multiple series corresponding to
each day, or does it start at X o'clock on one day and end at Y o'clock
some other day?

- Jon

Larry W.

I have the same problem. I just upgraded from Excel 95 to
Excel 2000 and now all my charts which have a dual column
X category axis which displays the tick-mark labels fine
in Excel 95, now just shows as a black smear across the
bottom in Excel 2000. Some I have been able to get to
look correct by choosing a 3D chart and then making
them "2D" by putting every setting at zero, and then
making sure "Right Angle Axes" is unchecked. (If I
check "Right Angle Axes", the black smear returns.)
Unfortunately, most of my charts require plot points which
the 3D chart will not do. Does this have something to do
with the "multiple-level category label" feature in Excel
2000? (By the way, all of my labels are perfectly
horizontal.) I'd go back to Excel 95 but Logitech's mouse
drivers don't support the scroll wheel function in Excel
95 anymore. :-(

Larry W.
Las Vegas

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