If anyone can help, it's greatly appreciated. I am trying to retrieve a
specific time for each flight that is betwen two time dates in a table. The
query below retreives the same departuretime for each flight, I do not know
First query:
Departure: IIf([Flight date] Between [from] And [to],[departuretime],0)
The table contains these columns:
FlightNum orig Dest From To DepartureTime
NK100 FLL SXM 2/9/2009 2/15/2009 10:50:00 AM
NK100 FLL SXM 2/16/2009 2/22/2009 11:50:00 AM
If the flight date is 2/19/2009, then it should return 11:50:00 AM.
specific time for each flight that is betwen two time dates in a table. The
query below retreives the same departuretime for each flight, I do not know
First query:
Departure: IIf([Flight date] Between [from] And [to],[departuretime],0)
The table contains these columns:
FlightNum orig Dest From To DepartureTime
NK100 FLL SXM 2/9/2009 2/15/2009 10:50:00 AM
NK100 FLL SXM 2/16/2009 2/22/2009 11:50:00 AM
If the flight date is 2/19/2009, then it should return 11:50:00 AM.