I need to delete from file records that are less then 20 minutes apart
leaving the first from records that are less then 20 minutes apart for the
same card and date. Other entries remain unchanged. Records are not sorted
in any particular way.
For example for Card 1234 I need to remove 2nd and 3rd record for 01/01/2005
because they are less then 20 minutes apart and we want to ingonre those
entries. How would I calculate the time difference using the above criteria?
Your help would be much appreciated.
CardId Date Time
1234 01/01/2005 12:21:14 PM
1234 01/01/2005 12:21:17 PM
1234 01/01/2005 12:26:31 PM
1234 01/01/2005 15:26:31 PM
1234 01/02/2005 14:00:00 am
3567 01/01/2005 10:00:00 AM
3567 01/02/2005 12:00:00 AM
3567 01/02/2005 15:00:00 pm
I need to delete from file records that are less then 20 minutes apart
leaving the first from records that are less then 20 minutes apart for the
same card and date. Other entries remain unchanged. Records are not sorted
in any particular way.
For example for Card 1234 I need to remove 2nd and 3rd record for 01/01/2005
because they are less then 20 minutes apart and we want to ingonre those
entries. How would I calculate the time difference using the above criteria?
Your help would be much appreciated.
CardId Date Time
1234 01/01/2005 12:21:14 PM
1234 01/01/2005 12:21:17 PM
1234 01/01/2005 12:26:31 PM
1234 01/01/2005 15:26:31 PM
1234 01/02/2005 14:00:00 am
3567 01/01/2005 10:00:00 AM
3567 01/02/2005 12:00:00 AM
3567 01/02/2005 15:00:00 pm