Time difference



This must be a common question, but I can't find the answer for it.

I am trying to create a repeating table, with startTime, endTime, and
totalHours. I would like the totalHours to be calculated.

I found a post that had some code, but it did not work for me. Keeps
coming up with invalid time.

I found another post on the internet, and it was close. It would calculate
the time, but only in full hours, not the actual full time. I found that
post here.
This one would work if I could get it to calculate both hours and minutes.

The other post in this newsgroup that I found is here..

Any help would be appreciated.



I was hoping someone was going to respond to this as I also could use
the answer. I haven't had time to fool with it yet but it popped in my
head the other day that military time (the 24 hour clock) might make
the formula work better.

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