Time element in date columns?


Bob Schroen

I have recently noticed that there is a time element in the date columns and
found this to be the reason for some previously unexplained durations.

I have been able to view these times by copying and pasting the columns into
an MS Excel work sheet.

I have several questions:

1. Is it possible to show the date and time in the columns within MS Project?

2. Other than some one actually entering the time or picking up the default
from the Options/Calendar setting where are the times coming from? Is it
possible that they come from the timesheet?

3. How can I prevent the start/finish times from being updated to minute

Your advice would be appreciated - Bob

Chris Marriott


To see the time and date in columns in Project
Go to tools > options - on the View Tab change the date format

If I understand your question correctly
Time can come directly from Timesheets (After Project Owner approval) e.g.
no manual overhead - this does not apply to Project Standard

Question 3 - I am not sure of the question - do you want to set the
granularity of time entered. This can be controlled through the timesheets
but can not be controlled directly in Project itself

Hope this helps

Chris Marriott - PMP MCSE MCDBA
UK - EPM Consultant & Trainer

Bob Schroen

Thanks for your quick reply.

For question 3, our team members update there time sheets on a daily basis
abd submit the at the end of the day on Friday.

Since you seem to confirm that the times are coming from the accepted time
sheets better question would be be:

Which time is used to update the Start/Finish dates
1. The date/time when the team member records the time sheet
2. The date/time the time sheet is submited
3. The date/time the project plan is updated.

What I am trying to avoid is a a task that has a fixed duration of 5 days
starting at 4:32pm and ending serveral calander days later at 8:43am (this
is just an example)

Thanks in advance - Bob

Chris Marriott


First - There are default times for start and finish which you set in the
project client.
Go to Tools > options > calendar tab (in Project Professional)

If you are not using hours per day per task - then the actual start date /
time is assumed to be the start date / time you entered for the task in
project - the time refers back to the default start as described above

If you do want the team member to enter the actual start / finish dates
First the fields must be added to the timesheet view in PWA admin
This adds the columns to the timesheet immediately - but no data
The Project Manager must open the enterprise project in project professional
and select tools > customise > published fields
This will open the customize published fields dialog box
Add the same fields to the "Fields in the tasks view" box - ensure that the
assignment radio button is selected and also that the Let resource change
field box is ticked
Then .... Collaborate > Publish > Republish Assignments

This is for each project that you would like the additional enterprise
fields to be populated in the timesheet

If no other action is taken - the default times will be added

Chris Marriott - PMP MCSE MCDBA
UK - EPM Consultant & Trainer

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