I would consider myself a fairly advanced user of Office
products (with the exception of Frontpage and Access) but
I want to reach (or get near MVP abilities). I
sytematically went through, "Office XP: Inside Out" and do
not feel it had that great of an impact on me. It is well
written but difficult to apply the techniques described in
a practical manner. Is there a better book (online
tutorial) for "drilling" that would aid in more retention
of advanced concepts? Thanks
products (with the exception of Frontpage and Access) but
I want to reach (or get near MVP abilities). I
sytematically went through, "Office XP: Inside Out" and do
not feel it had that great of an impact on me. It is well
written but difficult to apply the techniques described in
a practical manner. Is there a better book (online
tutorial) for "drilling" that would aid in more retention
of advanced concepts? Thanks