Time Function - number of days between dates



In Infopath 2003, can a function calculate the number days between to days
entered via a date picker? For example you have the date that the form is
created, and a later date that a task needs to be completed by. I would like
another field which displays the 'lead' time between those two dates stated
in # of days.



"S. Y. M. Wong-A-Ton." Is that a name of a person or organization? Your
site is very helpful indeed.

I started InfoPath a couple of days ago, and have already had a bout with
the limited high-level Date and Time functions. Now, another question:

I'm planning on a timecard that will be implemented as a repeating section.
The first card will display 'Week of:' MM-DAY-YY. Is there a simple way to
have the subsequent cards update DAY automatically to the end of the week so
that every time a user adds another card, it dislays the correct DAY
whether or not the DAY is the day on which the user fills the form? Thank

PS: Non-programming solution would be best. I'm new to InfoPath and not
much of a programmer. If code is the only solution, then I'll take it.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

It's my name, not the name of an organization.

I do not quite understand your question. Is it that you want to select a
date in a certain week to start counting at, and then when you insert
subsequent sections InfoPath automatically updates the date to be 7 days from
the date of the previous section?

In any case, if you're using InfoPath 2003, you'll quickly have to resort to
code to do any fancy date calculations. While InfoPath 2007 has an addDays
function, it's still not enough to do what users would like to do with dates,
so coding is still required.

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