I have a form for shift works calculating time. The first Shift is start at
7:00 and end at 15:30. The second one is start at 15:00 and end at 23:30 .
and the last shift is start at 23:00 and end at 7:30. These times are
presented at two text boxes, Start time and End time. Moreover, there are two
text boxes for the actual time of starting and end time and they are
presented at Enter time Exit time. Now there are two text boxes for
calculating the Daley time and extra time as follows: Extra time = Exit
time-End time and the Daley time =Enter time-start time. All those times are
calculated well for the first shift works. The problem now with the second
and the last shift works. If the employee exits the job at 1:15 pm the result
should be at the extra time 45 minuets but now the result is 23:15. how to
solve this problem?
I have a form for shift works calculating time. The first Shift is start at
7:00 and end at 15:30. The second one is start at 15:00 and end at 23:30 .
and the last shift is start at 23:00 and end at 7:30. These times are
presented at two text boxes, Start time and End time. Moreover, there are two
text boxes for the actual time of starting and end time and they are
presented at Enter time Exit time. Now there are two text boxes for
calculating the Daley time and extra time as follows: Extra time = Exit
time-End time and the Daley time =Enter time-start time. All those times are
calculated well for the first shift works. The problem now with the second
and the last shift works. If the employee exits the job at 1:15 pm the result
should be at the extra time 45 minuets but now the result is 23:15. how to
solve this problem?