Time In-Time Out/No. of Units



I am doing a time study to see how many units my technicians process. Each
tech has to enter a time they enter the work station, what time they exit the
work station and how many units they process while they are in the station.
All times are entered into military time.
Cell C2: 13:04 (Time In)
Cell E2: 14:20 (Time Out)
Cell D2: 14 (No. of Units Processed)
I want to calculate the process time per unit.
I used =E2-C2/D2
and I'm getting 13:24

Does anyone know what is wrong?
The time it took was 1 hour and 16 minutes and they processed 14 units.
The answer should be around 5 minutes.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Karen

Peo Sjoblom



division has higher priority than subtraction so you need to enclose the
subtraction in parenthesis or else you will divide C2 by D2 then do the



Peo Sjoblom


Thank you for your help.
What if I have a time like so:
Time In: 22:20
Time Out: 00:35
Units Processed: 36
It's not calculating.
Thanks, Karen


Thank you for your help.
My answer is 10:17.
I'm not sure what I did wrong.I copied the formula exactly.


Change the hh:mm format to [hh]:mm and use 24:00 for midnight and
25:00 for 1am and so on.


Thank you for your suggestion. Although, my boss wants it in military time.
Therefore, I cannot use 25:00. Any other suggestions?
Thanks, Karen

David Biddulph

If you want the answer in decimal minutes (as 5.428), *don't* format it as
hours and minutes.
If you want to see it as hours and minutes, don't multiply by 24*60 (because
that was the conversion from Excel time to decimal minutes).


Thank you
I used =MOD(E2-C2,1)/D12

My raw data is:
Time In: 22:20
Time Out: 00:35
Units Processed: 36

My answer is 00:02
Shouldn't it be over 3 minutes?
That's 2 hours and 15 minutes (135 minutes)
135/36 = 3.75

Did I something wrong?
Thanks, Karen

Peo Sjoblom

When I do that using your data I get 00:03:45 which is the same as 3.75
decimal minutes, somewhere your raw data is incorrect. Do you have 36 in
D12? You would have to divide by 67 units to get that result. The formula
definitely works



Peo Sjoblom

David Biddulph

Yes, you did do something wrong. The answer from that formula is 0:03:45,
which agrees with your calculation.

I wonder whether instead of formatting the result as time you formatted it
as number or general, and whether you misread 0.0026 as 00:02?

As has been said in another branch of this thread, if you want the answer in
decimal minutes, multiply by 24*60, and that gives 3.75.

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