I am a PM for an engineering consulting firm and we are currently working on
deployment of Server 2003 to a pilot group within our organization. We plan
to deploy company wide in the near future.
A primary concern of ours with projects is tracking the actual work
performed by our engineers on each project task against the hours that we've
built into the customer quote for each project task...this is how we track
profitability of our projects and we use this information to build more
accurate future quotes. To do this we need to keep a static duration on our
project tasks and track our engineer's progress against this duration by
logging actual time daily/weekly. My problem is that our engineers can be
assigned to and working on multiple customer projects simultaneously and just
b/c a task has a duration of 3 days doesn't necessarily mean that this task
is going to be worked on for 3 days straight...it could take 3 days of work
over a 2 week timespan. Is there a way to break the link b/w duration and
start/finish time so that the engineer can log time to a 3 day task over a 2
week period while keeping duration and start/finish dates accurate?
Thanks for any help you can spare,
deployment of Server 2003 to a pilot group within our organization. We plan
to deploy company wide in the near future.
A primary concern of ours with projects is tracking the actual work
performed by our engineers on each project task against the hours that we've
built into the customer quote for each project task...this is how we track
profitability of our projects and we use this information to build more
accurate future quotes. To do this we need to keep a static duration on our
project tasks and track our engineer's progress against this duration by
logging actual time daily/weekly. My problem is that our engineers can be
assigned to and working on multiple customer projects simultaneously and just
b/c a task has a duration of 3 days doesn't necessarily mean that this task
is going to be worked on for 3 days straight...it could take 3 days of work
over a 2 week timespan. Is there a way to break the link b/w duration and
start/finish time so that the engineer can log time to a 3 day task over a 2
week period while keeping duration and start/finish dates accurate?
Thanks for any help you can spare,