Time Of Day Graph Report




I have a Table of Jobs (tblJobs) & for each Job there is a PickUpTime

I want to create a Graph that shows for the X Axis all 24 Hours & then the
Graph will show Bars for Number of Jobs that fall into each Time frame

Example Data:
JobID PickUpTime
1 12:15 PM
2 3:15 PM
3 8:03 PM

I am able to accomplish what I am looking for using the following Query &
then just using the Report Chart Wizard to create the Graph.

Where I need help is, if for eaxmple there are no Jobs for 2-2:59 pm then
the Graph doesnt put that on the X-Axis, but I want to show that time frame
on the X-Axis (2pm) but just show a Bar of 0 Records. How can I accomplish
this ?


12am 1am 2am 3am 4am ... (for all 24 hours, even if no jobs for that Hour)

Here is the Query I am using:

SELECT Hour(PickUpTime) AS PickUpHour,
Count(Hour(PickUpTime)) AS NumOfJobs
FROM tblJobs
GROUP BY Hour(PickUpTime)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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