Time-out while publishing


Mary Jo

I've been trying to publish my website since July 26.
This is a first-time publish and I keep receiving time-
out errors after 20 minutes. I've been in contact daily
with tech support from my host, and I've had them reload
FP extensions, I've run a trace route on my line, deleted
what had partially been uploaded, renamed all my files
(lowercase-Linux server), they have NOT upgraded to
FP2002 extensions. I'm using FP98 v. 3.0 PWS v 3.0 with
WinXPPro. The site size is 17.5MB and 19.2MB "on Disk".
Have also contacted tech support at AOL and tried new
access numbers.

Is there anyway to increase the timeout in the PWS??
Also, when a publish fails and I close FP, when I reopen
the app I get the error message "FrontPage requires 32-
bit TCP/IP networking. You do not have 32-bit TCP.IP
networking installed. Would you like to see help on how
to install it?" At that point I have to restart my
computer to get FP back to normal.

This is making me crazy, is there anyway I can get this
site published??

Thanks for any help you can provide,
Mary Jo

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I've been trying to publish my website since July 26.
This is a first-time publish and I keep receiving time-
out errors after 20 minutes. I've been in contact daily
with tech support from my host, and I've had them reload
FP extensions, I've run a trace route on my line, deleted
what had partially been uploaded, renamed all my files
(lowercase-Linux server), they have NOT upgraded to
FP2002 extensions. I'm using FP98 v. 3.0 PWS v 3.0 with
WinXPPro. The site size is 17.5MB and 19.2MB "on Disk".
Have also contacted tech support at AOL and tried new
access numbers.

Is there anyway to increase the timeout in the PWS??
Also, when a publish fails and I close FP, when I reopen
the app I get the error message "FrontPage requires 32-
bit TCP/IP networking. You do not have 32-bit TCP.IP
networking installed. Would you like to see help on how
to install it?" At that point I have to restart my
computer to get FP back to normal.

This is making me crazy, is there anyway I can get this
site published??

Thanks for any help you can provide,
Mary Jo

You probably need to break your Web into subwebs, and then
publish each subweb.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

Thomas A. Rowe

Your problem could be related to the fact that your install of FP98 is not
correct. The PWS is not supported under Windows XP, and with Windows XP Pro,
you should be running IIS, which is installed from Add/Remove Windows

You need to uninstall FP98 and the PWS, then install IIS, and configure the
FP2000 extensions, then you need to open the folder that currently has your
web and publish it to http://localhost so that it is running under IIS.

For large sites, as long as the host supports subwebs, you should break the
site into smaller section using subwebs.

If you have a lot of image or downloadable documents, upload these using a
FTP application.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thanks for the solution. When I uninstall FP and the PWS
and install IIS should I then install FP again? Are there
any instructions for configuring the FP2000 extensions?
I'm new at XP Pro and IIS.

My host doesn't consider my site large, it's under 50MB,
but it did publish all the images on the first try-go
figure. Anyway, again thanks, I'll let you know how I
make out.



Thanks for the hint-I've tried publishing 1 folder, 1
page at a time with no luck. Seems I'm not supposed to
be running PWS with XP Pro.


Stefan B Rusynko

For your local problem see (FP SE and IIS)

But fixing your local FP SE will have no impact on your publishing to your host problem (you would probably have the same publishing
problem if you were running a disc based web)

If you have an 18MB web, recommend breaking it up into subwebs
- especially for large "static" non-html files - image, PDF, etc
- and for non html files over 1 MB in size in a subweb use FTP

| Thanks for the solution. When I uninstall FP and the PWS
| and install IIS should I then install FP again? Are there
| any instructions for configuring the FP2000 extensions?
| I'm new at XP Pro and IIS.
| My host doesn't consider my site large, it's under 50MB,
| but it did publish all the images on the first try-go
| figure. Anyway, again thanks, I'll let you know how I
| make out.
| mcgdogm
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Your problem could be related to the fact that your
| install of FP98 is not
| >correct. The PWS is not supported under Windows XP, and
| with Windows XP Pro,
| >you should be running IIS, which is installed from
| Add/Remove Windows
| >Components.
| >
| >You need to uninstall FP98 and the PWS, then install
| IIS, and configure the
| >FP2000 extensions, then you need to open the folder that
| currently has your
| >web and publish it to http://localhost so that it is
| running under IIS.
| >
| >For large sites, as long as the host supports subwebs,
| you should break the
| >site into smaller section using subwebs.
| >
| >If you have a lot of image or downloadable documents,
| upload these using a
| >FTP application.
| >
| >--
| >
| >==============================================
| >Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| >WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| >
| >FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
| >MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| >==============================================
| >To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage
| support see:
| >http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| >
| >| >> I've been trying to publish my website since July 26.
| >> This is a first-time publish and I keep receiving time-
| >> out errors after 20 minutes. I've been in contact daily
| >> with tech support from my host, and I've had them
| reload
| >> FP extensions, I've run a trace route on my line,
| deleted
| >> what had partially been uploaded, renamed all my files
| >> (lowercase-Linux server), they have NOT upgraded to
| >> FP2002 extensions. I'm using FP98 v. 3.0 PWS v 3.0 with
| >> WinXPPro. The site size is 17.5MB and 19.2MB "on
| Disk".
| >> Have also contacted tech support at AOL and tried new
| >> access numbers.
| >>
| >> Is there anyway to increase the timeout in the PWS??
| >> Also, when a publish fails and I close FP, when I
| reopen
| >> the app I get the error message "FrontPage requires 32-
| >> bit TCP/IP networking. You do not have 32-bit TCP.IP
| >> networking installed. Would you like to see help on how
| >> to install it?" At that point I have to restart my
| >> computer to get FP back to normal.
| >>
| >> This is making me crazy, is there anyway I can get this
| >> site published??
| >>
| >> Thanks for any help you can provide,
| >> mcgdogm
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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