Time Phased Actual Work updates for Project Resources?

  • Thread starter Subramanian Vasudevan
  • Start date

Subramanian Vasudevan

We have a requirement that the Standard Rate of all our resources must be
allowed to vary from Project to Project. For example, suppose we define a
Labour resource called 'Carpenter'. For Project1, his would have quoted his
standard rate as $41/hour. But for another project, Project2, another
Carpenter might quote a standard rate of $50/hour. This all leads us to
choose Project Resources over Enterprise Resources. So ideally there would be
one Carpenter resource for each project.

But we also have the requirement of being able to make Tie-Phased actuals
updates on the work done by these 2 carpenters for the 2 projects. Statusing
Updates is not possible on Project Resources, which is why we are stumped.

As of now, we are creating a separate Carpenter Resource for each project
(name suffixed with some unique ProjectID) in the Enterprise Resource Pool
for whom the standard rates differ. This we feel is cluttering up our
Enterprise Resource Pool. Is there a better way of doing this? Is there a way
to record time-phased actual work data for Project Resources? We are able to
do it from Project Professional because it can handle the detailed schedule
of the plan.

Stephen Sanderlin

Hello Subramanian,

For the future, be aware that this newsgroup is specifically for
development questions. Your question would be better suited to

What you refer to as "Project Resources" are technically called "Local
Resources". Status updates are not permitted for Local Resources, only
Enterprise Resources. The inability to support different rates for
different projects is one of the limitations of Enterprise Resources.
While this limitation is somewhat mitigated by cost rate tables, they
are not usually sufficient.

From the wording of your post, I'm inferring that these Local Resources
are being used to represent external resources, most likely from
differing vendors. I also see that you have been creating separate
Carpenter resources in the Enterprise Resource Pool to represent
different Carpenters. I'm sorry to say that this is probably your best
option - IMHO there are no truly viable alternatives.

Hope that helps,



Stephen Sanderlin

Principal Consultant


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"Subramanian Vasudevan" <[email protected]>
wrote in message

Quized again

QuantumPM in Colorado created a custom add-in for me that did exactly what
you are asking for. I had all resources in my system with their true cost
rates and a rate-table for each project. This allowed me to get time-phased
projected and actual profit across all programs and the enterprise. And yes,
I also imported time-phased actuals into the system. Try them and see if this
could be ported for you.

Good luck.

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