Tony said:
I need to track hours worked by 3 different employees over multiple projects/tasks. How can I set the
formula to accept time in at 8:00 time out at 4:30. Then show allocation of 7.5 hours worked, time spent on phone calls to specific clients?
Enja wrote:
Time recording over multiple projects using Excel
I need to track hours worked over multiple projects/tasks. How can I set the
formula to accept time in at 8:00 time out at 10:00. Then show allocation of
2 hours worked spread over 3 different projects 1 hr for 1st, 1/2 hr for 2nd,
3rd hr for 3rd?
The version of the Office product available to you might be important to
what advise others can offer here.
A lot depends on how you want your data entry and reports arranged. Do
you want each employee to make all there entries on a single sheet or
switch to separate sheets to make entries for each customer account? If
you want separate sheets for each customer account do you want multiple
employees making entries on the same customer account sheet?
Like other spreadsheets Excel can do math on times. Elapsed time is
simply the result of subtracting start time from stop time. Make sure to
set the desired time/date format, since the spreadsheet MAY default to
fraction of a day.
Use the application's built in help function to read about formulas that
use data from cells on other sheets in the workbook and data in other
workbooks. Also read the help section on database functions, paying
particular attention to DSUM(). Requirements of the database function
may dictate how your sheets are arranged. The details of navigation to
the relevant topics within the help system might be one of the things
that are Excel version dependent.
You might want a column on your entry sheet(s) to warn the employee
making the entry when they type an invalid employee or customer
identification through indicating success or failure finding the
identification in a small database. If you had Access available you
could use a drop down instead of making the employee type the
identification each time (I don't know if Excel can do that).