Bill Lynch
Is there any way to allow task time reporting for tasks (entry not
restricted) set to Task type Fixed Duration and not Effort Driven. It appears
that the only way is to make them Fixed Units and Effort Driven. We are
trying to have resources enter all actual time expended on the project, but
they can't enter time for such tasks as Meetings which are Fixed Duration and
not Effort Driven. The end result desired is to pull total hours for
resources (particularly contractors) to eliminate reporting into MS Project
and a time reporting system -- just MS Project. Then pull the info for a
report that is entered into the time system for payment.
restricted) set to Task type Fixed Duration and not Effort Driven. It appears
that the only way is to make them Fixed Units and Effort Driven. We are
trying to have resources enter all actual time expended on the project, but
they can't enter time for such tasks as Meetings which are Fixed Duration and
not Effort Driven. The end result desired is to pull total hours for
resources (particularly contractors) to eliminate reporting into MS Project
and a time reporting system -- just MS Project. Then pull the info for a
report that is entered into the time system for payment.