Time sheet approval by resource manager



It appears that we must use managed time periods in order for the resource
manager to be able to approve time on projects if which he/she doesn't own.

I have 2 more questions.
1) During testing we set the managed time period date for a 2 year perions
and we want to change to a monthly basis starting with 1/1/06 - 1/31/06.

2) We were testing the Notify you manager of timeoff in PWA. The reauest is
not going to the resource manager. Of which we did set up the RBS structure
and the resource falls under the appropriate manager. Can you help me
determine why?

John M.

For #2: Did the resource manager publish the assignments on the
administrative work plan for the resource? This step is what determines the
person that receives the update.

John M.


Thanks for the reply. The resource Manager is the owner of the Admin
Project. But I created the project (Not the resource Manager). I created the
project published the project, and then changed the owner to the resource
Manager. From what I think you are saying, the resource manager must create
the admin project and publish the project accordingly. Then as the
resource(s) select "Notify your manager...." the resource manager will
receive the request. If so should I delete the admin project and have the
resource manager recreate the admin project and then send the "notify your
manager...." request?

John M.

You could just have the resource manager open the administrative project and
choose to republish the assignments (with the option to become the manager
for the assignments). Then all updates will go to the resource manager -
both the "planned" items coming from the "notify your manager..." option as
well as the actual hours submitted on the timesheet.


Howard Colwell I.S.P.

JP, did you every find a solution for the first part of your question on
delete/change the Managed Period details? We are also the same situation
needing to move from a 1 year period to shorter increments (either 2 weeks or
1 month, yet to be finalized, Thanks for any feedback you can share.


Yes. U're not gonna going to like it.

1) I saved off al the test projects.
2) Went into each project, clicked the link to the Share POint site and
booked marked them. Very important if you have documents attached to the
sites. Like requrement documents etc.
3) Then went to PWA and deleted the projects one by one. NOTE: when you do
be sure "NOT "to check remove the share point site. *Ah number 2 above)
4) I did it this way since we are in implememntaion mode. The other way is
to delete all time applied to each and every project. That seemed to be more
work then to just delete the 1/2 dozen projects..

5) Now you can go in to PWA and delete all the managed times periods and
then set up the periods that you want.

6) As for the saving the links to the share point sites. Now if you open
each project and publish the projects back to the server, you can go in and
relink the the projects to the original sharepoint sites via PWA security.

Hope this helps.

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