I want ot create a time sheet for my employees where I can have the first
column be the start time, and the second be the end time, with the ability to
start at 10pm and finish the shift at 8am, which is over the 24 hour mark.
Then have the hours totalled in the third column, with a subtotal for each
week, and total for two weeks. My current dilema is where the hours go over
the 24hour mark in the same day and getting the total of hours worked for
that day.
column be the start time, and the second be the end time, with the ability to
start at 10pm and finish the shift at 8am, which is over the 24 hour mark.
Then have the hours totalled in the third column, with a subtotal for each
week, and total for two weeks. My current dilema is where the hours go over
the 24hour mark in the same day and getting the total of hours worked for
that day.