Time Sheet View - Additional Fields



We have added fields to the timesheet view. We have actually added a number
of fields but suppose we limit this question to just saying we want the
resources assigned to the task to appear when the user is statusing so that
they know who else is on the task. (We actually have serveral other fields
including a revised meaning of 'currency' of project like that display the
usual stop light).

No matter what we do the data will not display. Any ideas?


I recall having a similar issue some time back. I think Dale answered this
for me, back then and he will probably now the answer for you.

My recollection is that you need to republish all the projects in the
respective individuals timesheet screen.

That is, If I currently have assignments on Projects A, B and C. My
Timesheet view will display all three projects A, B & C.

If you customise the Timesheet view you will need to republish Projects A, B
and C before I will see the changes to the Timesheet grid.

If you have many projects and many assignments, this is a pain.

I am pretty sure this fixed our problem. My suggestion would be
a) Find someone with only a small number of projects in their timesheet.
b) Republish the projects on their timesheet only
c) Close PWA, re-open it logged as that user and see if you problem is fixed
d) If that works republish all projects

Alternatively or if that does not work, you may have to wait for Dale or
someone else to make a suggestion.


Thanks Garon. I work with PG and we have tried a republish as a possible fix
and it did not change this visibility. We had thought that this was an issue
with 'views' as the timesheet modify view seems to be very limited in what it
allows you to display.
The part that is confusing us is the text in the modify view area that
states: "Note that the selected fields are displayed in the Timesheet View
only if project managers include them in the fields published to Project
Server. Project managers can include fields to publish to Project Server with
the Published Fields command on the Customize submenu (Tools menu) in
Project." We have tried this six ways to Sunday and it does not seem to have
any impact, including doing this and then republishing. Maybe Dale will have
additional insight?

Dale Howard [MVP]

PG --

Did you add the fields in question to the list of published fields in EVERY
project by doing the following:

1. Click Tools - Customize - Published Fields
2. Add the extra fields to the list on the right
3. Selected the "Let resource change field" option for fields you wish your
resources to edit
4. Clicked the OK button
5. Clicked Collaborate - Publish - Republish Assignments and then clicked

Did you perform these steps for every project? Let us know.



Thanks for the reply. No, this had not been done on every project. The
behavior after performing the sequence you describe on the one that did work
will likely work on the others. Will retry when I can turn off email
noticfications (so I don't confuse everyone) for a brief moment and republish

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