Time Sheet



I am trying to make a time sheet for everyone to be able to use in the
office. I want it to where when the total in Regular working hours reaches
37.5 it will put the excess working hours into another cell called of course
Overtime. My dilema is not only this it is also that there are 2 colums of
overtime. There is overtime for 37.5 hrs to 40 and then there is a column for
40+ hrs. Im so puzzled and confused I dont know if this is even going to be
possible or how to even go about setting it up in a way that it WILL work. If
anyone can please help me that would be so wonderful! If you want to see the
document I have put together so far I can email it to you.



Using A1 as the cell containing the total hours worked:

For the first part of the OT use:

For the second part of the OT use:

Bob Phillips


for hours between 37.5 and 40


for hours over 40


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


I'm not quite sure what to do here, I am new to the advanced formulas in
excel. I dont want the employees to have to enter anything but their time. So
in the formula =MIN(MAX(num_hours-37.5,0),2.5) what do I put in "num_hours"?

Ok lets say that their regular hours total 52.50 which is obviously 15 hrs
of overtime but there is going to be 37.5-40 hrs of overtime which is only
2.5hrs and then there is 40+ hrs which is 12.5hrs how do I make it to where
the 2.5hrs of overtime will hit the cell "a1" for example and the 12.5hrs
will hit cell "a2" automatically? I am not sure if I am explaining this clear
enough but I dont know how else to say it. Please Help!!!

Bob Phillips

num_hours refers to the number of hours worked, 52.5 in your example.

Assuming that the hours are in a cell, let's say A1, you just add those
formulae to A2 and A3



When your use puts their time in A1, the others autonmatically calculate




Ahh! I got it!!! Now my new task is how to have it calculate their leave and
vaction time into their hours.. Any suggestions?! You are a ton of help!

Bob Phillips

I would need a bit more detail to know how the leave is shown on the s/s.
What is the difference between leave and vacation time?


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Leave is when you are sick, have a doctors appointment, sick relative etc.
Vacation is when you go on vacation or take a day off to do personal business.
Right now I dont have a format for the leave or vacation time my boss just
informed me she wants me to work it in there somehow. The setup I have atm is
regular hrs, leave hrs, vacation hrs, worked hrs, OT 37.5-40, OT 40+ and
total hrs. What I eventually want is for worked hours to take out lunch hour,
vacation and leave time. The total hours would include the lunch hour,
vacation, and leave time so that way they know what they worked for that
whole day. Am i doing double duty on this? I dont want to confuse the payroll
with 2 totals plus OT totals let alone confuse the employees... If you want
to see the spreadsheet I can email it to you or you can contact me @
(e-mail address removed). Thanks!

Bob Phillips

Well there is nothing difficult about what you want, but until you show the
layout there is not much more to say, as it would just be guessing?

Mail me the spreadsheet

bob (dot) phillips (at) tiscali (dot) co (dot) uk

do the obvious with the bits in brackets


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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