Time Stamp Continers



It seems that in OneNote 2003 that each container of ink or type was time
stamped and that later you could come back and insert the date of creation of
the time stamp.
Now it seems that in ON 2007 you can no longer do that. Only the creation
date is at the top of the page and a modified date is possible to insert
somewhere else in the page.
I would like to take notes on a specific page that is associated with a
particular topic and later look back on the notes to see when a specific
container of notes was originally written.
Can you do this in ON 2007?

Rainald Taesler

Wayne said:
It seems that in OneNote 2003 that each container of ink or type
was time stamped and that later you could come back and insert the
date of creation of the time stamp.

I did hardly ever use ON2003, so I don't know how things were there.
Now it seems that in ON 2007 you can no longer do that. Only the
creation date is at the top of the page and a modified date is
possible to insert somewhere else in the page.

… and the modificatin date for each paragraph is shwon in the
right-click context menu.
I would like to take notes on a specific page that is associated
with a particular topic and later look back on the notes to see
when a specific container of notes was originally written.
Can you do this in ON 2007?

Easy enough:
Just set a date-time stamp manually at the beginning of the container
when you start editing and/or later.
It's in the "Insert" menu and one can also put the respective icon(s) in
one of the toolbars.



Can I search for a word and have it show up in a list that is sorted by date?
It seems when I do this it comes up listed under the date of the page and
not under the date of the container.

David Olsen

OneNote search sorts by page created date. It appears that you are after a
sort by last modified date. This is not a current feature and you might
like to suggest it to Microsoft for future inclusion:
http://connect.microsoft.com/onenote/ .

Just to add to Rainald's note, from the Help:
Change the date of a page
1.. Under the page title, click the date, and then click the calendar icon
that appears.
2.. In the calendar, click the date that you want to display on the page.
To choose the current date, click Today.
Note The new date that you select will permanently replace the old date
of the page. When you search notes, the new page date will be used.

Another feature that might be of use is menu: View-Pages Changed Recently.

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