Time Stamping



I am having trouble with time stamps on my outgoing mail.
Sometimes when I go into the Sent folder and open a
message to look at the Internet Headers, there is nothing
there. Does that mean the message wasn't sent? I have
Delivery and Read Receipt both checked since often people
refuse to send the Read Receipt.

neo [mvp outlook]

Hi Cindy,

Items in your Sent Items folder will not have an Internet Header attached to
them. (The smtp server will attach the information.) If you suspect that
the time stamp is off on messages, verify that your machine has the correct
time and time zone information. Once that is done, send yourself a message
and then verify the internet header to ensure that the time is correct on
your ISP's servers. (time stamps are calculated from the values found in
the internet header.)

You also shouldn't count on Delivery/Read receipts from letting you know
that your message reached its destination. Many servers (and mail clients)
these days can be configured to not return any type of acknowledgement.

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