Mike K
Oh Wise Ones,
Heres a bit of code from Jim Thomlinson that saves and closes a workbook
after a set amount of time, but prompts the user for some more time. Works
great. I have 2 questions though.
1) If multiple people share a computer, will the Windows Script Host Object
Model flag be present for ALL people on that PC if it is set by the first
2) I and not a programmer, but I would guess that the Windows Script Host
Object Model flag is set in the registry. Instead of running around to 30+
computers, can I package this in a reg file and email it out?
Sub Aut
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:20"), "CloseMe"
End Sub
'requires reference to "Windows Script Host Object Model"
Public Sub CloseMe()
Dim SH As IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell
Dim Res As Long
Set SH = New IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell
Res = SH.Popup(Text:="Are you still there?", secondstowait:=2, _
Title:="Active", Type:=vbYesNo)
If Res = vbYes Then
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:20"), "CloseMe"
End If
End Sub
Heres a bit of code from Jim Thomlinson that saves and closes a workbook
after a set amount of time, but prompts the user for some more time. Works
great. I have 2 questions though.
1) If multiple people share a computer, will the Windows Script Host Object
Model flag be present for ALL people on that PC if it is set by the first
2) I and not a programmer, but I would guess that the Windows Script Host
Object Model flag is set in the registry. Instead of running around to 30+
computers, can I package this in a reg file and email it out?
Sub Aut
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:20"), "CloseMe"
End Sub
'requires reference to "Windows Script Host Object Model"
Public Sub CloseMe()
Dim SH As IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell
Dim Res As Long
Set SH = New IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell
Res = SH.Popup(Text:="Are you still there?", secondstowait:=2, _
Title:="Active", Type:=vbYesNo)
If Res = vbYes Then
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:20"), "CloseMe"
End If
End Sub