Timekeeping Question



I have about 65 worksheets in a workbook that record an employees
time/activities. A particular code is given per activity per line. Times
are calculated automatically and codes are given by a Vlookup depending on
information that is unrelatd to this question. A sheet might read for

8:30-9:30 60 min P
9:30-9:50 20 min S
9:50-11:00 70 min C

My question is I would like to know the ratio of activity on particular
codes throughout the day in increments of 5 or 10 minutes. So I would like
to see at 9:30-9:40 how many were on P, S, C, etc. Then from 9:40-9:50 etc.

I realize I would need to dedicate a new page in my workbook to dump all the
info from each individual sheet. I am just not sure how to extract data in
small increments when the original times recorded are in larger lumps of

I hope this makes sense. Any help is appreciated!

Bernard Liengme

Is the data really in the format 8:30-9:30 ? That means it is in text format
and this adds to the problem. I hope 8:30 is in column A and 9:30 in column
B. Tell us please
best wishes


Thanks for the speedy reply. The data in the cell is recorded as 8:30:00 AM
in column A and 9:30:00 AM in column B, and then progressing the same down
the worksheet. When I print the sheet it only displays 8:30 AM, 9:30 AM, etc
into the PM's.

Bernard Liengme

Will try to get you a solution tomorrow
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