Timeline Fill Format



Using Format/Fill to change timeline colour works fine, but setting colour
via the shapesheet (FillForegnd cell in Fill Format section) has no effect.
Any suggestions?

Paul Herber

Using Format/Fill to change timeline colour works fine, but setting colour
via the shapesheet (FillForegnd cell in Fill Format section) has no effect.
Any suggestions?

Because it is a grouped shape. In the shapesheet you are only changing the colour of the
group shape, which in this case has no effect. It is one of the sub-group shapes that
controls the colour fill.
However, selecting the whole shape and using Format -> Fill does change all shapes within
the group.


Hi Paul,

Many thanks for that. I wondered if grouping was an issue. If I try to
ungroup, I get the "shape protection and/or layer properties preventcomplete
execution of this command" message. If I take off all shape protection I
still get that message, and I can't see what else is preventing the ungroup
request. Any further input would be much appreciated.




You probably do not want to ungroup the shapes. The reason is that a lot of
the smarts for the addin are in the parent shape that you take apart.....


Hi Guys,

This is the first time I've ever tried posting to a forum, so this is just a
quick note to say a huge thank you - you've certainly given me food for
thought here, and I'm probably getting slightly out of my depth a bit in
terms of technical tinkering here. But I'll pesevere and doubtless be back
soon with more questions.



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