"Timeout While Communicating With The Server"



HELP--I posted this question on 7.7 but no one has responded to me so I am
posting again. Please, someone give me some help...

Problem: I have Outlook 2003 with a profile set up for both my husband and
myself. On his profile, I have both a POP account and a hotmail account; on
my profile, I have only a hotmail account set up.

On both hotmail accounts, I cannot delete any messages. When I try to
delete, I receive a message stating, "a timeout occurred while communicating
with the server." This is extremely frustrating as I can do everything else,
i.e., send, reply, etc.--just not delete! I have to go to the hotmail
website and delete all of our messages from there.

There must be something that isn't configured properly. Help!
Hope Havens

Brian Tillman

hopehavens said:
HELP--I posted this question on 7.7 but no one has responded to me so
I am posting again. Please, someone give me some help...

Posting again is unlikely to elicit any more responses than it did the first
Problem: I have Outlook 2003 with a profile set up for both my
husband and myself. On his profile, I have both a POP account and a
hotmail account; on my profile, I have only a hotmail account set up.

On both hotmail accounts, I cannot delete any messages. When I try to
delete, I receive a message stating, "a timeout occurred while
communicating with the server." This is extremely frustrating as I
can do everything else, i.e., send, reply, etc.--just not delete! I
have to go to the hotmail website and delete all of our messages from

Have you contacted Hotmail? If you're accessing Hotmail accounts with
Outlook, it's likely their paid accounts and since you pay Hotmail, they're
the best people to help.

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