timer and form



I have a form with 2 pages. The user fills out the page 1
and then goes to the page 2 which is a seperate screen.
Once he clicks the FINISH button there he gets back to the
page 1 but in between the time the user actually clicks
the Finish button and comes up to the first page I want to
show a small form which would appear for like 100 milli
seconds and disappear.

How would I do that?

Arni Laugdal

Create the "frmSplash" form and under properties set its
Timer Interval to 100 and write following sub on the
timer event:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

You write follwing behind the finish button:

Private Sub cmdFinish_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSplash"
GoToPage 1
End Sub

Arni Laugdal,
Office 2000 Master Instructor



I did try this and it worked. But I am getting this
problem whereby after the user clicks on the finsih button
and the frm spalshc appear nd disapperas the scrren goes
back to page 1 but the messaage appears.

You can's go to the specifed record. You maybe at the end
of the record set and the data which was entered on the
page 1 appears.


I fixed that one but....
It works fine except that after the finish button is
pressed on the last form and the splashform comes
in ...all working right but now when the form comes back
to the original page it still displaye the last record

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