Timer w/ Start, Stop, Pause



I am trying to create a cell with a 1 hour 15 min 30 sec preset that when I
click "start", the cell will start counting down. I would also like to create
a button that can pause, stop, or reset the timer. It would be great if the
timer is paused and the workbook saved the time remains when the file is

VBA code and instructions would be much appreciated!

Harald Staff

Don't do this. Updating a cell will force a recalculation on every update,
and it will disturb the Undo functionality.
I suggest you display your time on a label, or better, on a modeless
"stopwatch-like" userform.

There is some math involved with Pause functionality. Code and instructions
will ruin the fun of figuring it out, but see
to get started on timers.

HTH. Best wishes Harald


Thank you Harald. I am actually not concerned about the Undo functionality.
This will be a locked worksheet/workbook with no need for it. I like the link
you gave me, but I am still curious if it can be done within cells with
command buttons for start, stop, pause, and reset.

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