In fact, you probably don't even need Times New Roman CE font as such. As
long as you have _any_ CE font, Word should do a font substitution of
necessary. And how do you get the CE fonts? It's quite easy:
If you are in OS 10.2 or 10.3, insert your OS CD. You might be able to do
this with just the optional 3rd CD, without having to boot from the first OS
CD. There should be a .mkpg file called "Additional Languages". Launch it.
If you can't find that one, or it doesn't help, you'll need to insert the
first OS CD, launch Install Mac OS 10.x, and when it restarts, choose
Customize (when you get to that screen) and select _just_ Additional
Languages or the particular Central European languages if you wish. Deselect
everything else that's already been installed, You should be able to click
an Upgrade button. After installation, you'll find the Central European
languages, including Czech, available. (If there's any chance that you might
need to edit these documents, you should add Czech to the Input languages
you want in System Preferences/International/Input Menu, - called "Keyboard
Menu", I think, in 10.2). You should know be able to see the docs complete
with Czech diacritics. The font might be Times CE rather than Times New
Roman CE, if you're in Entourage X, but should still be correct.
If you're still in OS 9 and/or Word 2001 (including Classic within OS X),
insert the OS 9 CD and do a similar Customize installation, just for
Language Kits/Central European. (I'm not sure if there would be a problem
should you happen to have one of the new Macs that can't boot in OS 9 but
you use Office 2001 in Classic. Maybe. Upgrade to Office 2004 or X in that
Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
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