Timescale Issues from VB.Net



I've got a .Net integration project where we are accessing the project
file through COM Interop. I need to pull out all the tasks, resources,
assignments, etc. At the moment, I'm trying to pull out the assignment
resources, calculated to the month.

I've pulled the resources on a particular task and "calculated" the
timscaledata for each assignment with the statements:

mWork=mAssign.TimeScaleData(mA­ssign.Start, mAssign.finish,

I then try to cycle through each month with a for next loop to write
out the data:

For iCnt=1 to mwork.Count

I'm trying to test it on a assignment that lasts 11 months, but it
currently is dying on the third month (either way, I've tried from 1 to
count and from count to 1 step -1).

The additional problem is that that this is causing the project file to
change, because I'm grabbing the active project from the open instance
of MS Project 2003.

Any help would be appreciated,

Michael Schnell

Mike Glen

Hi Michael,

Try posting on the developer newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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