Timescale Macro



As part of a home-spun earned value approach based on
hours, I need a macro that can calculate the number of
hours (Work) at a task level that should have been worked
(in other words, was scheduled to be worked) during a
particular timeframe - for example, from project start to
current status date. This value then needs to be
populated into a custom number field. I've had issues
with macros dealing with timescaled data in the past, so
figured I would just ask right off the bat if anyone has


Well, you've kinda got some apples (MacIntosh I hope) and some oranges.
It sounds like you want the hours equivalent of BCWS (perhaps BHWS). And
ordinarily this is simply:
(Duration to Status Date)/(Task Duration) x Baseline Hours
It gets more complicated if work contouring is used. I don't honestly
remember if this value is already available in a Project field or not.
If it isn't, it is fairly easy to use a custom field with the above
formula (without work contouring) or a VBA macro if work contouring is
used. However, you also mention timescale data and a custom field
(here's the apple and oranges part). Custom fields are static, that is
they can hold single values but not multiple values, (unless a separate
custom field is used for each discrete value), like a timescale field
(e.g Work). From the type of data you describe (single value BHWS) why
do you think you need timescale values?


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