Hi Chucks,
Yes, it's me again.
I'm afrais I can do no better than the Help.
I suggestred you look it up- did you?
By all means, I copy it for you below.
If you still have trouble, can you explain which parameter exactly gives you
a headache?
TimeScaleData Method
Returns timephased information for an assignment, resource, or task.
expression.TimeScaleData(StartDate, EndDate, Type, TimeScaleUnit, Count)
expression Required. An expression that returns an object in the Applies To
StartDate Required Variant. The start date for the timephased data. If the
start date falls within an interval, it is "rounded" to the start of the
interval. For example, if TimeScaleUnit was pjTimescaleWeeks and StartDate
specified a Wednesday, it would be rounded to the preceding Monday (assuming
the work week started on a Monday).
EndDate Required Variant. The end date for the timephased data. If the end
date falls within an interval, it is "rounded" to the end of the interval.
Type Optional Long. The type of timephased data. The default value is
pjexpressionTimescaledWork, where expression is Assignment, Resource, or
If expression is an Assignment, can be one of the following
PjAssignmentTimescaledData constants:
pjAssignmentTimescaledActualCost pjAssignmentTimescaledCumulativeWork
pjAssignmentTimescaledActualOvertimeWork pjAssignmentTimescaledCV
pjAssignmentTimescaledActualWork pjAssignmentTimescaledOverallocation
pjAssignmentTimescaledACWP pjAssignmentTimescaledOvertimeWork
pjAssignmentTimescaledBaselineCost pjAssignmentTimescaledPeakUnits
pjAssignmentTimescaledBaselineWork pjAssignmentTimescaledPercentAllocation
pjAssignmentTimescaledBCWP pjAssignmentTimescaledRegularWork
pjAssignmentTimescaledBCWS pjAssignmentTimescaledSV
pjAssignmentTimescaledCost pjAssignmentTimescaledWork
If expression is a Resource, can be one of the following
PjResourceTimescaledData constants:
pjResourceTimescaledActualCost pjResourceTimescaledCV
pjResourceTimescaledActualOvertimeWork pjResourceTimescaledOverallocation
pjResourceTimescaledActualWork pjResourceTimescaledOvertimeWork
pjResourceTimescaledACWP pjResourceTimescaledPeakUnits
pjResourceTimescaledBaselineCost pjResourceTimescaledPercentAllocation
pjResourceTimescaledBaselineWork pjResourceTimescaledRegularWork
pjResourceTimescaledBCWP pjResourceTimescaledRemainingAvailability
pjResourceTimescaledBCWS pjResourceTimescaledSV
pjResourceTimescaledCost pjResourceTimescaledUnitAvailability
pjResourceTimescaledCumulativeCost pjResourceTimescaledWork
pjResourceTimescaledCumulativeWork pjResourceTimescaledWorkAvailability
If expression is a Task, can be one of the following PjTaskTimescaledData
pjTaskTimescaledActualCost pjTaskTimescaledCumulativePercentComplete
pjTaskTimescaledActualOvertimeWork pjTaskTimescaledCumulativeWork
pjTaskTimescaledActualWork pjTaskTimescaledCV
pjTaskTimescaledACWP pjTaskTimescaledFixedCost
pjTaskTimescaledBaselineCost pjTaskTimescaledOverallocation
pjTaskTimescaledBaselineWork pjTaskTimescaledOvertimeWork
pjTaskTimescaledBCWP pjTaskTimescaledPercentComplete
pjTaskTimescaledBCWS pjTaskTimescaledRegularWork
pjTaskTimescaledCost pjTaskTimescaledSV
pjTaskTimescaledCumulativeCost pjTaskTimescaledWork
TimeScaleUnit Optional Long. Can be one of the following PjTimescaleUnit
constants: pjTimescaleYears, pjTimescaleQuarters, pjTimescaleMonths,
pjTimescaleWeeks, pjTimescaleDays, pjTimescaleHours, pjTimescaleMinutes. The
default value is pjTimescaleWeeks.
Count Optional Long. The number of timescale units to group together. The
default value is 1.
The TimeScaleData method should be used instead of the TimeScaledData
method, which is hidden by default in the object browser.