Shane --
From your description, it sounds like you want to delete ONLY in-progress
timesheets for people who have left your company. Assuming this is true,
your Project Server administrator will need to use the Surrogate Timesheet
functionality in Project Server 2007 (assuming you have not disabled this
functionality, however). Here's how:
1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions.
2. Click the My Timesheets link in the Quick Launch menu.
3. On the My Timesheets page, click the Surrogate Timesheet button.
4. On the Surrogate Timesheet page, click the Browse button.
5. In the Pick Resource dialog, double-click the name of the first user who
left the company with an in-progress timesheet.
6. Click the Timesheet period pick list and choose the period for the
in-progress timesheet.
7. Click the Create Timesheet button.
The system should display a warning dialog indicating that the user has an
in-progress timesheet for the selected time period.
8. Click the OK button in the warning dialog.
The system now logs you into the selected user's timesheet for the selected
time period.
9. Click the Actions menu and choose the Delete Timesheet item.
10. Click the OK button to confirm the deletion.
The system returns to the Surrogate Timesheet page, where you can continue
the process of deleting in-progress timesheets for people who have left your
company. Please note that these steps are very labor intensive, but there
is no automated way to delete only certain timesheets for certain users.
The Delete Enterprise Objects page is not an option in your situation, as
this action performs a blanket deletion of ALL user's timesheets for the
time period you specify. Hope this helps.