We are using Project Server and PWA. We close our time entry periods every
friday than the managers have approve the time. Is there a way so that the
time gets updated on the server once the resource enters it without the
managers approving it as sometimes the managers are not there and its a big
task for a manager when there are multiple projects. Can I change a setting
or something.
We are using Project 2003.
Any help will be apprecited?
We are using Project Server and PWA. We close our time entry periods every
friday than the managers have approve the time. Is there a way so that the
time gets updated on the server once the resource enters it without the
managers approving it as sometimes the managers are not there and its a big
task for a manager when there are multiple projects. Can I change a setting
or something.
We are using Project 2003.
Any help will be apprecited?