Timesheet approver error message


Tom B

We are PS 2007 SP1...I have a timesheet approver who is getting the following
message....'Your security authorizations do not include the approve timesheet
category permission for at least one resource in the list of selected
timesheets. Refine your selection, and then try again or contact your system
administrator. '

I have them set up as a resource manager, and they are the time sheet
approver for resource A, the timesheet approver see the timesheet to approve,
but they are getting the above message when they attempt to approve.

The are also getting the following message...'Timesheet 'My Timesheet',
Resource A, Wk 3 '08 (10/13/2008 - 10/19/2008): Next approver cannot be
either owner or previous approver

How do we avoid this error messsage. I have the Time Approver set up as
there own timesheet approver...I have also tried blanking out the next
approver on the time sheet approver screen...

Any advice on how to get Time Sheet approver to approve Resource A
timesheets without any error messages. Thanks for your advice.

Tom B


Hi Tom,

The user, that is the timesheet approver, needs also the rights to approve.
This is set in the user group permissions for a specific category. The
permission is called 'Approve Timesheets'. Make sure that the correct
resources are included in the category.

hope this helps.


Tom B

Thanks Sander, so would we simply change the resource manager group to ensure
they have that permission? All our resource managers are going to be
approving timesheets. I see Accept Timesheets under Time and Task
Management, I dont see a permission called Approve Timesheet. I checked the
Resource manager group they have Accept Timesheets checked as 'allow'. What
group, out of the box is suppose to approve timesheets. I have tried to stay
away from customizing too much of the default groups.




The 'accept timesheets' is a global persmission, which means it is category
independent. The permission 'approve timesheets ' is configured per category.
for the default resource managers group I believe the 'approve timesheet' is
enabled for the 'my resources' category. So there is only to check what the
settings are for this category to have the correct resources included.
The default category setting for my resources only include resources which
are descendants via RBS. This means that the resource manager can only
approve resources that are 'below' him according to the RBS.
If you don't use RBS, easiest is to set the option to 'All current and
future resources in Project Server database'

is this helpful and clear for you?


Tom B

yes this is clear, thank you very much. To clearly understand the RBS
'below' concept. RBS of Time Sheet Manager and Team member cannot be at
same level, correct?

Let's say I have a Resource Manager with RBS of IT, and all his subordinates
are in IT.PMO that should be enough to give him the rights... I think what
has happened on this one user is that although the IT RBS Resource Manager is
listed as Team Member A timesheet approver...the RBS of the Team Member was
higher or equal to Resource manager. Would that cause the error?

Thanks for all your time in explaining. TB


yes this is clear, thank you very much. To clearly understand the RBS
'below' concept. RBS of Time Sheet Manager and Team member cannot be at
same level, correct?

--> with default settings, yes this is correct. But you can enable the
option 'They have the same RBS value as the User' in the category to have
this working

Let's say I have a Resource Manager with RBS of IT, and all his subordinates
are in IT.PMO that should be enough to give him the rights... I think what
has happened on this one user is that although the IT RBS Resource Manager is
listed as Team Member A timesheet approver...the RBS of the Team Member was
higher or equal to Resource manager. Would that cause the error?

--> yes, this is to be solved with the option mentioned above.

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