TimeSheet Approver on leave




Is there anyway to do "surrogate" timesheet approval? We have an
implementation of about 300 users and currently have a situation of
timesheets being stuck "unapproved" with a couple of key approvers on leave.

Is there anyway to approve or re-route these timesheets on behalf of the
approver (similar to surrogate creation/submission) without having to get the
users to recall their timesheets and re-submit to someone else?



Hi Gary,

This unfortunately doesn't solve the problem. We have very much this
scenario and it works fine. The problem is that the equivilant of Senior
Manager A is on leave. Resource Manager A has done the interim approval of
the timesheets (making the timesheet status "Acceptable") and it's now in the
Senior Manager A queue for approval (to make the timesheet status "Approved").

What I'm looking for is either;
1) A way to change Senior Manager A to Senior Manager B for timesheets
ALREADY submitted and in Senior Manager A's queue to approve
2) A way have Surrogate A approve timesheets that are in Manager A's queue
I don't want the resources to have to individually recall and resbmit their
timesheets to an alternate approver.

Thoughts we've had (but would need more information on);
1) Is there a PSI or other interface to change the next approver
2) Is there a PSI interface we could use to approve the timesheet (using
admin credentials instead of the actual timesheet approvers)
3) Could we change the UID of the next approver in the Timesheet_Actions
Table? (Would this work, what else would we need to change, what other
impacts of doing this?)
4) Relink the Senior Manager A to a different network UserID to allow
someone else to "login" as Senior Manager A - As a once off fix I could live
with this but not as a regular process for the scenario - would also mess up
Audit trail as it would show the Senior Manager A as having done the approval.


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