Thomas --
If you are going to post questions in this newsgroup, you need to state
which version of Project Server you are using. Are you using 2003 or 2007?
The differences between the two are significant enough that we need to know
to answer your questions.
Assuming you are using 2003, click the Filter, Group, Search tab at the top
of the View My Tasks page in PWA. Click the Filter pick list and click the
Completed Tasks filter to show only completed tasks, or click the Incomplete
Tasks filter to show tasks not yet completed.
Beyond this, the team member can also click the Current Tasks link in the
Actions pane on the left side of the page. A "current task" is any task
that should have started before today but has not, any task that is
currently in progress, or any task scheduled to begin in the next 10 days.
Completed tasks are not "current" and do not show, therefore. Hope this