Richard B
Dear People of this Project portal...
There’s something on the homepage of PWA, that I’m not quite sure I
understand, and would like to seek clarification on.
As far as I understand the software, time spent on each task can be recorded
in the task detail or timesheets or at both places. I have decided to use the
time recorded in the task as the basis for tracking the progress on projects.
Therefore, once the time spent on a task has been approved by the project
manager, it should automatically update the progress for the project.
So why does anyone need to submit a timesheet if they have already submitted
the task (and recorded the time spent)? The reason I’m asking this is
because, on the homepage of PWA, I seem to have 14 un-submitted timesheets.
When I click on this link, the details of the timesheet for each un-submitted
period is shown, but there’s nothing that I can do with it (i.e. I cannot
approve, reject, or recall).
What does this mean and what implication does this have on the active
Thank you kindly in advance,
There’s something on the homepage of PWA, that I’m not quite sure I
understand, and would like to seek clarification on.
As far as I understand the software, time spent on each task can be recorded
in the task detail or timesheets or at both places. I have decided to use the
time recorded in the task as the basis for tracking the progress on projects.
Therefore, once the time spent on a task has been approved by the project
manager, it should automatically update the progress for the project.
So why does anyone need to submit a timesheet if they have already submitted
the task (and recorded the time spent)? The reason I’m asking this is
because, on the homepage of PWA, I seem to have 14 un-submitted timesheets.
When I click on this link, the details of the timesheet for each un-submitted
period is shown, but there’s nothing that I can do with it (i.e. I cannot
approve, reject, or recall).
What does this mean and what implication does this have on the active
Thank you kindly in advance,