timesheet / tasklist / surrogate timesheet / timesheet manager?



I'm have Admin perm's and I'm trying to figure out how these work together
(in 2007)...and don't work together. Is there a good explanation how these
are supposed to work?

What is the relationship between My Tasks and My Timesheet? Is My Timesheet
only for Administrative projects?

As a PM, what's the difference between processing a timesheet and approving
a task update?

What is a Surrogate Timesheet and what is it used for?

In the Resource Center I can assign a Timesheet Manager to a resource. The
default Timesheet Manager is the Resource. If I assign the Timesheet Manager
to someone other than the resource then does the other person - and the
resource - see and update the resource timesheet? How does this work?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Jesse --

Good questions that cut to the core of Project Server 2007 functionality.
Here are the answers:

1. Organizations use the My Timesheet system to capture time, including
project work time, non-project work time, and nonworking time such as sick
leave and vacation. The My Tasks page is used exclusively for tracking
project work. You can actually use both the My Timesheet page and My Tasks
page in coordination with one another. Team members can enter their task
work in the My Timesheet page, along with all other types of time they
expended, and then they can navigate to the My Tasks page and import the
task work into the My Tasks page.

2. Approving a timesheet simply approves the time entered in the timesheet.
Approving a task update actually transfers the task progress into the
appropriate Microsoft Project plans.

3. Managers can create a Surrogate Timesheet for a resource who cannot fill
out the timesheet him/herself. For example, a resource is out sick for an
entire week. On Friday, the resource's manager could create a Surrogate
Timesheet on behalf of the sick resource and enter 5 days of sick leave.

4. Suppose that I am a resource and Mickey Cobb is designated as my
Timesheet Manager. Each week, I create my timesheet, enter time of all
types in the My Timesheet page, and then submit the timesheet to Mickey
Cobb. She can approve or reject the timesheet as needed.

Hope this helps.

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