We are capturing actuals on a daily basis, for a week at a time, through the
timesheet facility within PWA and updating these into the Project plan
accordingly. If hours are keyed into each day of the week, on the timesheet,
for a particular task, then any remianing work planned for that week for that
task (i.e. that hasn't been completed) is automatically re-scheduled by
Project into the following week.
The problem we have, however, is that if there is still some outstanding
planned work for the week, and actuals havn't been captured for EVERY day,
Project doesn't seem to re-schedule the outstanding work into the next week
(presumably because it doesn't know you've finished capturing all your hours
for that week because some days are blank!). We can force this through by
keying zeros into each day that no hours have been worked for that task but I
just wondered if there was any other way around this issue?
We are capturing actuals on a daily basis, for a week at a time, through the
timesheet facility within PWA and updating these into the Project plan
accordingly. If hours are keyed into each day of the week, on the timesheet,
for a particular task, then any remianing work planned for that week for that
task (i.e. that hasn't been completed) is automatically re-scheduled by
Project into the following week.
The problem we have, however, is that if there is still some outstanding
planned work for the week, and actuals havn't been captured for EVERY day,
Project doesn't seem to re-schedule the outstanding work into the next week
(presumably because it doesn't know you've finished capturing all your hours
for that week because some days are blank!). We can force this through by
keying zeros into each day that no hours have been worked for that task but I
just wondered if there was any other way around this issue?