timesheet: where is stored the administrative time???



I’m Trying to set up the timesheets, but I have some questions..
For example, in my company, I the resources are not only dedicated to
a project, but they can work on a routine work...
For example, on a typical day, the Resource A, will have 3 task on 2
projects, and a standard billable work not connected to any project.
I want to track all time of all resources.
I think that I have to insert an administrative billable time.
But the question is: the time allocated to the tasks, will
automatically update the work on the tasks... what about the
administrative billable time? And what if I insert a non billable
administrative time?
Where I will find this data?
I’m asking that, because I would like to export the information about
the work (linked to the task an not linked!!!), to my accounting
Thank you so much

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