Timesheets - Help with operational projects in Project Server 2007




I would like to be able to track the time spent on tasks within an
*operational* project (in Project Server 2007) where there are three
independent fields that need to be reported on: Application, task type
and customer (i.e. I want to be able to create unique line items in
the timesheets with any combination of these three attributes).

For example, I want to produce a report that provides information on
how much time was spent supporting customer X over the course of
September, for these two billable activities (application support and

The project specific activities are tracked within the context of
their separate plans and so don't present any problems.
From what I have seen, currently the Create Line functionality in

Timesheets presents only two drop down lists to the user (Task name
and Task Category), which seem to leave me stuck. Or maybe I am just
missing something obvious.

My only vaguely workable solution seems to be to create separate
projects based upon the application and then have the Task Types in
plans as project tasks with the customer name contained within the
Task Category list. I did it this way because the resource type will
affect the list of available task types and the only way to do this is
if the task type is in the project plan - Make sense?

I have tried creating combination tasks in a single plan where the
task name is a combination of product name and task type, but
obviously this becomes unmanageable pretty quickly. For example: 5
products with approx 10 operational task types means that the user has
to wade through 50 items in their drop down lists.

Does anyone know of any way that I can address this problem without
having to resort to custom coding?

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.


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