Timesheets - Looking for Thoughts/Discussions



We are using PS07 and PWA Timesheets (at least plan to).
However, we have a number of regulatory and labor union and shift pay items
to contend with.

I'm looking to see if anyone has some white papers or web links or thoughts
on how others have tackled these questions in light of EPM2003 or EPM2007.

I'm going to guess that the answer is going to be:
1) Project Server is not intended to handle this; Which i completely agree
2) That the resolution was to go to another timesheet vendor who integrates
with Project Server; Which i would agree with also

So i'm looking for are the arguments around the decisions, items considered,
best practices, etc to support the decisions made.

OR if someone has an elegant configuration/usage solution of Project Server
Timesheets or knows of VAR that seamlessly integrates into Project Server
which surmounts these types of issues, please pass on for consideration.

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Troy,

i know of your issue and would agree in general with your comments. Project
Server deals with resource COST and not pay items, that is the big
differenciation. Project Server only considers the cost a resource produces.
I know you can argue that the cost is dependend on the pay items, but as soon
as you get into the "shift payments you will stuggel to realise this in
Project Server. I dont say it is impossible, since you have cost rate tables
per resource, but it is not an elegant solution.
Many service industries have this issue with Project Server, hopefully this
will change eventually. for the timesheet issue, at this stage the timesheet
functionlality in Project Server 2007 is for "simple" timesheets and not
complex once. I am sure it will change in the future, but for now, I believe
you will struggle implmeneting your requirements into Project Server ( or
even find it impossible). I think your comments 1&2 are wise once :)
Hope this helps mate


thx for your input. It helps in:
1) not wasting time trying to make PS07 work
2) focusing on other solutions to address cost accounting needs, yet still
use Task Updates for project schedules.


I will do that, but this is how i'm going to pitch it:
1) Continue to do time entry for those people who need to in the Timesheet
system that already handles this
2) If we want them to have a single entry point, then compliment the MySite
+ My Tasks/My Timesheet with a custom web part to the existing timesheet
sytem (yep, spending dollars)
3) Use the Task Updates to update "Projects" in Project Server. I know this
will create a mis-match (timesheets in another system vs Task Update totals
in PS07), but I can't see any other way around this other than not use
Project Server.

I'm getting the impression that those who fall under the strict timesheet
control are not persons who participate on "projects" and therefore we may be
able segregate the 2 populations.

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