Timestamp Entry



This may be the wrong place, but I was thinking this could be done
with access.

I want to create an entry log that automatically time/date stamps each
entry to be used in an emergency response situation specifically for a
hazardous materials incident.

What I want is for a text box to be available for me to type in:
"Entry team A enters hotzone", I hit enter, and it creates a "log" an
automatically places a time/date stamp in that entry. It would
continue to add to the log each time I made a new entry.
If this is possible, I'd like to expand it slightly to have tabs like
you can do in an excel workbook.

Is access the right tool for this? I have little experience with
Access, so I'd have to fumble my way through it, but I need to know if
this is the right place to start.

Thanks in advance

Damian S

Hi Brian,

Access is definitely a good tool to handle this. You could have a date/time
field that autopopulates using =now() as the default value, with a text box.
Have it on a continuous form so that you can see all the entries for that

Use tables like this:

IncidentID autonumber
IncidentName text

IncidentLogID autonumber
IncidentID number (maps to IncidentID above)
IncidentLogDateTime date/time
IncidentLogEntry text

Hope this helps.


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